What Love Looks Like

By: Kristen L. McNulty

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We hear a lot of talk about love. In our churches, in our social groups, on TV, in books, and we read a lot about love in the Bible. Love your neighbour, love the Lord your God, love your enemies. I think most Christians understand that they are supossed to love. After all, Jesus did say that it's the most important commandment. But while we understand that we're supossed to love, many of us don't really know what love lived out looks like.

Many people say that the answer is found by looking at Jesus' life and while He lived out love to the fullest extent, many of us want to know what love loooks like when it's lived out in 2005. Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying Jesus' example is out-dated or irrelevant. Quite the contrary. I'd just like to practically define what love looks like.

So what does love look like? Love is giving up your 'rights' to the remote control. Love is leaving a quarter in a meter. Love is stopping to open the door for someone. Love is giving up a good seat for someone else. Love is offering a ride. Love is making a phone call, sending an email, writing a letter, baking a cake. Love is putting others needs before your own. Love is a small moment in time when, in a me first world, you put someone ahead of yourself.

Love isn't just a feeling or something couples experience. Love is a choice, followed by an action, then turned into a lifestyle. And love is what is required from everyone who bears the name of Christ.

Love isn't easy- if it was it wouldn't be nearly as powerful. No, love is difficult, but by being difficult it is a strong witness to the world. As the Bible says "the world will know we are Christians because of our love." The world won't know Christ through a program or sermon or revival service or _______ fill in the blank. The world will know Christ because of the love we show to one another and those around us.

As Mother Teresa once said "To show great love for God and our neighbor we need not do great things ... it is how much love we put in the doing that makes our offering something beautiful for God."

Everyday we have the opportunity to do something beautiful for both God and our fellow man. Remember, love is a choice, followed by an action, then turned into a lifestyle. Today why don't you make the choice to love? The world will be a better place because of it- guarenteed.

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This devotional was aired as a part of the Making A Difference Christian Radio Show.